Services in Italy

Working Holiday Visa


Entrepreneur Visa


Our price includes:

  • Visa document check list

  • Legal review of eligibility

  • Application form prepared for you

  • Legal review and preparation of Residency application

  • Appeal in case of issues /rejection

  • Unlimited email, phone & WhatsApp support

  • BAR registered lawyers owning process

Our price includes:

  • Customised checklist to prepare

  • 3 key documents prepared for you

  • Legal review and preparation of Visa application

  • Appeal in case of rejection

  • Full support for Residency request once in Italy

  • Unlimited email, phone & WhatsApp support

  • BAR registered lawyers owning process

Elective Residency Visa


Golden Visa


Our price includes:

  • Customised checklist to prepare

  • 3 key documents prepared for you

  • Legal review and preparation of Visa application

  • Appeal in case of rejection

  • Full support for Residency request once in Italy

  • Unlimited email, phone & WhatsApp support

  • BAR registered lawyers owning process

Our price includes:

  • Customised checklist to prepare

  • Assistance finding suitable investment

  • Key documents prepared for you

  • Legal review and preparation of Visa application

  • Appeal in case of rejection

  • Full support for Residency request once in Italy

  • Unlimited email, phone & WhatsApp support

  • BAR registered lawyers owning process

Our price includes:

  • Customised checklist to prepare

  • 3 key documents prepared for you

  • Legal review and preparation of Visa application

  • Appeal in case of rejection

  • Full support for Residency request once in Italy

  • Unlimited email, phone & WhatsApp support

  • BAR registered lawyers owning process

Our price includes:

  • Visa document check list

    Legal review and preparation of Visa application

  • Appeal in case of rejection

  • Residency request once in Portugal

  • Unlimited email, phone & WhatsApp support

  • BAR registered lawyers owning process

Family reunification


Work Visa


Digital Nomad Visa


Our price includes:

  • Customised checklist to prepare

    Legal review and preparation of application

  • Follow up throughout process

    Unlimited email, phone & WhatsApp support

  • BAR registered lawyers owning process

Foreign Exchange

Free of charge

Real Estate Acquisition

Free of charge

Interior Design


Garden design & care

from 15€ / hour

So, you found the perfect house but just doesn’t fit your tastes? why not enlist the services of our Interior Designer, with a design flair and a real personable attitude, she will listen to your ideas, and add her creative touch to bring your new home to life.
Nothing is impossible! even if that means importing a canary yellow A.G.A

The perfect house comes with a huge garden? have no idea what to do with it? we have a super groundsman on our team, his long experience is maintaining and managing embassy gardens, and we all know how beautiful they look!

Title Deed & Conveyancing


Bank account with high street bank


With so many pitfalls and possible complications in buying real estate in Italy, this could very well be the best money you ever spend during your relocation journey.
Our exceptionally experienced lawyer will ensure that all legalities are fulfilled, that the property you are buying is safe to buy, we can also represent you with power of attorney at contract and deed.

It becomes very hard to manage daily life without a local bank account.
Our legal team have relationships with the the main high street bank institutions to ensure that you can open an account.

We act as your buyers agents, reaching out to our extensive network of partners, along with being able to represent you for any property on the market, this service really is as good as it sounds!

a Free service, which can save you money on the purchase price

Foreign exchange at great rates, sign up via our affiliate link and your account will automatically be managed by our excellent account manager at GC Partners, who will keep an eye on the market for you and manage your foreign transfers with ease and speed.

All price subject to 19% VAT